Your Landscape Architecture and Arboricultural specialists

Combining Landscape Architecture and Arboriculture

We are highly experienced in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning/Assessment, Design and Arboriculture. With years of tried and tested experience, we are well placed to provide joined up and cross discipline advice, to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of a wide range of clients, and to progress projects by anticipating the requirements of a Local Planning Authority.

We survey trees in advance of development, seeking to retain, protect and enhance the existing arboricultural resource and form harmonious relationships between trees and development. Trees are a material consideration in the planning process. If you are submitting a planning application for development on land that has trees on or close to it, your local planning authority will require a BS:5837:2012 compliant arboricultural report as part of the validation requirements of the application. If you are looking to discharge planning conditions relating to trees, you will likely require an arboricultural impact assessment, arboricultural method statement and site monitoring (if required). LandArb Solutions provides a comprehensive and trusted suite of reports that are compliant with BS: 5837:2012 ‘Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction Recommendations’. We pride ourselves on being able to draw up all our tree surveys and plans in house using state of the art tree surveying and drawing software packages that provide unrivalled efficiency, clarity, accuracy and quality of presentation.

Local Planning Authorities have various validation requirements which need to be met as part of planning applications. We provide years of tried and tested arboricultural and landscape related advice, to help you better understand and navigate the planning system. We are throughly familiar which the varying issues that can arise on any given project, and provide bespoke solutions to help ensure we achieve a successful outcome in relation to your project from a tree and landscape perspective.

Our Process

We will discuss with you the scope of services you require and use Google imagery to help us better understand your site/project. We will then provide you with a quote for undertaking the work(s) you require (valid for 30 days from the date of the email/letter). We will break down the services we have quoted for and clearly set out the scope of the work(s) with fees for each work element.

Arboricultural Services

We survey trees in advance of development, seeking to retain, protect and enhance the existing arboricultural resource and form harmonious relationships between trees and development.

We provide a full suite of arboricultural services, which follow the planning and design process. You may not need all of the following services depending on the scale and complexity of your site.

We will visit site to carry out a BS: 5837: 2012 compliant tree survey of all existing trees and woody vegetation on or immediately adjacent site. We will then prepare a tree survey plan and survey schedule, that will be incorporated into the site layout and used to aid the design development process.

Having visited site and surveyed the existing arboricultural resource, we will then work with you and the design team to ensure appropriate tree retention is achieved as part of the site layout proposals, anticipating the local planning authority requirements, and helping achieve a harmonious relationship between trees and built form. We will provide ongoing advice as the design progresses, and prepare a tree retention and loss plan, protection plan and impact schedules, together with an impact assessment report.

Many sites do not require a method statement of exactly how retained trees will be protected. On occasion, the local authority will typically condition the requirement for a method statement on more complex sites, of how protection measures will be implemented on site. We can prepare detailed method statements of exactly what protection measures will be employed and how they will be installed on site.

We have tried and tested experience of overseeing site monitoring for tree protection on sites of various sizes and complexity. Often the local planning authority will condition a requirement for site monitoring, whereby we will visit site at agreed intervals and key stages to ensure protection measures are correct and in place, and report back to the local authority as a requirement of the planning permission.

Landscape Architecture Services

As Chartered Landscape Architects and Landscape Planners we provide the full compliment of Landscape Assessment, Design and Landscape Management services to support a scheme or project at whatever stage of the planning process. We are here to help advise our clients of what is required to support their projects, maximise the development potential of their project, avoid issues down the line, and realise a site’s development potential to help achieve a desirable planning outcome.

We are thoroughly familiar with the guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) - GLVIA 3. We often prepare landscape and visual 'appraisals' (LVA) for more simple projects, as well as more detailed Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) for more complex projects or as part of an Environmental Statement (ES). We pride ourselves on our full frame digital SLR cameras that we use in combination with a GiGaPan motorised tripod head for accurate and high quality photoview production. We are thoroughly familiar with and highly experienced in preparing reports for projects of various scales and complexities, including residential, renewable energy and grand design type projects.

We are highly experienced in all aspects of landscape and garden design. We have a long standing and proven track record of design which has been implemented on the ground - including show gardens for national house-builders, large scale housing developments, roof terraces and urban plazas, play areas, and grand design style houses. We specialise in detailed planting plans for gardens, housing developments of all scales, woodlands, play areas, SuDs and strategic planting. Our plans are produced using VectorWorks, that enable use to prepare accurate and visually attractive landscape masterplans, concept plans, planting and hard landscape plans in full colour or black and white.

Whilst we specialise in design, we also have a through and working knowledge, supported by years of hands on experience of landscape and woodland management. We pride ourelves in understanding how our design will be used and managed once complete. We can therefore prepare detailed management plans with maintenance schedules to support our design work. We can provide Green Infrastructure, Landscape, Landscape and Ecological, and Woodland Management Plans